Information about Wifi connectivity concerns/tips

COMMON ISSUE – Network Congestion Detected (Bandwidth):

This has to do with the internet service provided to the home/building. 25Mb service up to 1Gig service from the Internet Service Provider.

We need to keep the level of service(bandwidth) in mind. Typically when someone’s sets up their internet account, they select a bandwidth based on the user needs “at that time” or price point. As our lives and businesses have changed, so has the amount of “CONNECTED” devices.

In todays world we may have many different mobile devices,(Watch, Mobile Phone, Tablets), Computers (work and home), Appliances (Refrigerators, Stoves, Washers and Dryers), Entertainment Centers (TV’s, sound systems, gaming platform (Xbox, Playstation, etc)), Automobiles (Cars are now connected), Home Automation systems like Alexa & Siri devices, Cameras, locks anything and everything connected to WiFi. And NOW HVAC systems.

All of these devices consume bandwidth, even when not in use, they are communicating with a server. The more devices the home/building owner has connected, a higher level of service/bandwidth may be needed.

COMMON ISSUE – Network Congestion Detected (Customer is on a channel with a lot of interference):

  • Check wireless channel customer is on, may need to change channel with ISP

COMMON ISSUE – Mesh Network: Mesh Wi-Fi systems are wireless networks that combine a Wi-Fi router with one or more mesh satellites to expand the coverage area of a single Wi-Fi network. In a Mesh Wi-Fi system, connected devices are seamlessly handed off to the router or satellite with the strongest Wi-Fi signal in a given area. This causes issues for Carrier devices because they will only connect to 2.4ghz network connection.

  • The customer needs to split the 2.4ghz and 5ghz connections or create an access point that is 2.4ghz only.

Poor connection quality – Several possible causes:

-This can be due to distance, interference, or network usage. The customer should check the device list to ensure all devices connected to network are accurate.

– Check router proximity to wall control

  • The customer may need a TP link router to use as an access point for tstat

Old router model detected- (Customers router may need to be upgraded):

  • Customer would need to contact their ISP to upgrade router

5 Ghz present on Network:

-Carrier devices will only connect to 2.4ghz network

-Customer will need to make sure they have a dedicated 2.4ghz network connection

Check port connection- customer should have Port 80 open

UPnP Possibly Disabled – (Universal Plug and Play):

  • This needs to be enabled on router, the customer can either log into router to change settings or contact their ISP

Multicast possibly disabled: Multi-cast is a group communication where data transmission is addressed to a group of destinations. In other words (broadcasting multiple programs using a single channel 

  • This needs to be enabled on router, the customer can contact ISP for help

Firewall enabled (Firewall or parental controls could be preventing connectivity):

  • Steps to resolve: Customer to contact ISP to lower or delete firewall.
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